Download 3D SVG Mini Pizza Box Templates - Multiple Size Compatible with Cameo Silhouette, Cricut and other major cutting machines, Enjoy our FREE SVG, DXF, EPS & PNG cut files posted daily! Compatible with Cameo Silhouette, Cricut and more. Our cut files comes with SVG, DXF, PNG, EPS files, and they are compatible with Cricut, Cameo Silhouette Studio and other major cutting machines.
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Download 3D SVG Mini Pizza Box Templates - Multiple Size File for Cricut Machine
Available for Cricut Joy, Cricut Explore Air, Cricut Maker - The ultimate smart
cutting machine
Download 3D SVG Mini Pizza Box Templates - Multiple Size File for Silhouette
Available for Silhouette Portrait, Silhouette Cameo, Silhouette Curio, Silhouette Alta, Silhouette Mint
Download 3D SVG Mini Pizza Box Templates - Multiple Size File for Brother Cutting Machine
Available for All Brother Cutting Machine
3D SVG Mini Pizza Box Templates - Multiple Size
———-| Overview |———-
Digital template for FOUR sizes of mini pizza boxes. Use these for party favors, kids' treats, dollhouse miniatures, and more!
Extremely versatile file package has templates of varying sizes, ready to be scaled UP or DOWN (if needed). This interlocking template requires NO GLUE and perforations are built-in, so no need to interchange scoring/cutting tools between mats if producing these in bulk.
———-| Item Specs |———-
Using the default size included on US letter paper will yield the sizes below. All sizes are contained within a single file, you will need to ungroup the layers and delete the boxes you do not wish to use before cutting.
XL – 2" x 2"
Large – 1.5" x 1.5"
Medium 1" x 1"
Breadsticks (can't forget those!) – 1" x .5"
*All boxes are .25" tall in the default files
———-| Instructions |———-
This design is easy to assemble and will go together very quickly.
Once printed, cut along the solid black lines, then score/fold along the dashed lines. Tuck the tabs into the slots just like a real pizza box.
Cricut Design Space (scoring tool):
1, There will be multiple layers in your document when loaded into Design Space. Change the 'Operation' for the top item in each grouping to "Score" and leave the bottom item as "Cut". If you are not using the scoring tool, you can delete the layer with the score lines.
2, Attach all layers
3, Make it!
Cricut Design Space (no scoring tool):
1, Load the file and cut as you would normally. The perforations are BUILT IN and will happen automatically. I recommend this version of the file as it is much easier to work with and looks more realistic
———-| Files |———-
These files will download in a compressed/zipped folder. You must be able to unzip a compressed folder in order to use this item. This software is likely already installed on your PC and you will simply need to right-click the folder and select "Unzip" or "Extract".
Also included are instructions for how to Score then Cut in Cricut Design Space (if you are unfamiliar). These instructions are from a different listing so the screenshots do not match exactly, but the concept is the same.
Files Types:
Get the exact graphic you're looking for. Just how you envisioned it. The largest database of exclusive premium craft designs available. Instant download. Create your next DIY project. Commercial license is always included! Compatible with Silhouette, Cricut and other cutting machines.
Galery 3D SVG Mini Pizza Box Templates - Multiple Size File Compatible with Cameo Silhouette Studio, Cricut and other cutting machines for any crafting projects